Digger by Clifford Beck
The Devil's Daughter by Clifford Beck
The Other Side by Thomas Stewart
One Night at Clyde's by Shannon Bradner
The Cotton Candy Massacre by Christopher Robertson
Against The Lockers by Aiden E. Messer
A Little Collection Of Fucked Up Things by Aiden E. Messer
It's Not Love; It's Betrayal by August Cox
The Wrong Samantha by August Cox
The Adventures of Johnny Walker Ranger Demon Slayer by Ezekiel Kincaid
Let's Go Brandon by Luke Frost
A Puppet Scorned by Jamie Kort
Birthday Girl by Ash Crowlin
The Bed of Tulips by Damien Lee
Demons in Cotton by Ben Mire
Acts of Violence (Twelve Tales of Terror) by Marcus Hawke
Cockroach King by Jessica Mielke
Caviar by Chris Grindstaff
The Madman Across the Water by Caroline Angel
The Madman Across the Water: The Curse Awakens by Caroline Angel
B/ITCH by Harrison Phillips
Dear Meat (Emerge #7) by J. Snow
Sudden Death by Theresa Jacobs
Fever Dreams: Volume V by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume IV by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume III by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume II by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume I by Luther Kross
The Interwoven Underverse: Parson's Pond by Luther Kross
This Town Died With You by A.J. Spencer
Tender by Kris Johannsen
The Immortal Bastard by David Charlesworth
PL8TES by David-Jack Fletcher
The Haunting of Harry Peck by David-Jack Fletcher
Double Feature by Ian Fairgrieve (Emerge #6)
The Books Of Sarah by James Lefebure
Bloody Head by Olaf Vulture
The Cimmerians by Theresa Jacobs
The Zombie Effect by Theresa Jacobs
Don't Fuck with Mother Nature by Drake Kooper
Bloodlust by Dan Chadwick
Nails by K.J. Sargeant
The Buried King by Thomas KS Wake (Emerge #5)
Appletown by Antoinette Corvo
Dirges in the Dark by Antoinette Corvo
Icky Bits by Olaf Vulture
Blood and Sex: A Zombie Apocalypse by Nick Burgin
The Ivory Tower by Antoinette Corvo
The Cat that Caught the Canary by Antoinette Corvo
I, Zombie: A Different Point of View by Garry Engkent (Emerge #4)