In 2000, author Drew Stepek bought the url godless.com to promote his first novel, Godless. Much to the chagrin of the hundreds of people who have tried to buy it for almost 20 years, the domain name wasn’t used to promote a horror movie/book, a heavy metal band, or anything related to atheism. As a matter of fact, Godless is a book about sexual abuse, and how it affects several individuals from their teen years through to their adult lives. It’s a book about feeling alone… scared… and without anyone looking out for you… including a God or a higher power.
In 2009, Drew came out with his second book, Knuckle Supper. Once again, the book is about sexual abuse and one of the main characters is a 12 year-old prostitute. The book was a horror novel, and it won the award for the Best Independent Horror Novel of 2010. In 2018 Drew finally released the sequel to Knuckle Supper called Knuckle Balled. Turns out that it was better received that the first book… winning 9 literary awards, making it the most decorated indie horror novel of 2018.
20 years after Stepek bought godless.com, he soft launched Godless and an apparel line called Godless Industries.
Flash forward through 2020 and what a fucking shit show that was. On March 1, 2021, Stepek re-launched godless.com as a new distribution resource for underground, self-published, indie horror authors and narrators, small print horror publishers and audio book producers, and people who provide services and resources to the horror publising industry.
The aim is to amplify the voices of these artists and drive fanbases through a horror-focused community. The intent isn't to compete with the likes of Amazon or Barnes and Nobel. Rather, we want to give artists the lion's share of the profits from their creations and we want to promote them within the horror community.
If you're interested in having your work featured on Godless, please send us a note below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will NEVER shy away from risky or extreme material.