00 Gut Punch (MD 20/22 1) by Mike Duke
Aborrent Existence by John Baltisberger - MARCH 27th
Deja Vu (MD 20/22 2) by Mike Duke
Fucked Up Futures (MD 20/22 4) by Mike Duke
Little Piggies by Lindsay Crook
M is for Medical (A-Z of Horror Book 13)
M-Company in The Axis of Evil by David C. Hayes and Andy Rausch
Machine and the Mind Candy Factory (Bizarro Tales #2) by Kevin Sweeney
Mage of the Hellmouth by John Wayne Comunale
Maimstream by BC Furtney
Make Pretend: The Complete Short Fiction of Armand Rosamilia, Volume 1 by Armand Rosamilia
Making Jake: Ashley's Tale Book 2 by Mike Duke
Malice in Chains by Gregory Lawrence (Emerge #21)
Malice in Chains by M.R. Tapia
Malum in Se (Emerge #23) by Jean Jentilet
Mama & Mavka by Allisha McAdoo and Jack Presby
Man Cave by Angel Gelique
Man Eating Fuckers (Man Eating Fucks) by David Owain Hughes
Man Eating Fucks by David Owain Hughes
Man Eating Fucks: The Legacy by David Owain Hughes
Mangled Meat by Edward Lee
Mania - Revised Edition by Lucas Mangum
Manic by Lindsay Crook
Manic Christmas by Lindsay Crook
Mate, Spawn, and Die by Scabs McDumpster
Matt Brimstone, P.I. by Christine Morgan
May Cause Unexplained Ocular Bleeding by Nikolas P. Robinson
Mayan Blue by Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason
Mazi by Koji A. Dae
Me-Shrooms by Sarah DeRosa
Meat Grinder by Catfish McDaris and Donald Armfield
Medicated by Kate DeJonge
Mephistopheles Den by Matthew Vaughn
Merciless by Kristal Stittle
Mercy by T. Fox Dunham
Mercy Kills by Jeff Oliver
Merry and Bright by Matt Henshaw
Messages by Rick Powell
Messenger by Edward Lee
MessoCorps (Call to the Void) by Robert Royal Poff
Metagoth by Addison Alder
Metal Demon by Julie Hiner
Metalpocalypse: A Death Metal Short Story by R.F. Blackstone
Meth Moth by J. Rocky Colavito
MHP Employee Handbook
Midnight Horror Show by Ben Lathrop
Midnight in the City of the Carrion Kid by James G. Carlson
Midnight in the Graveyard Edited by Kenneth W. Cain
Midnight in the Pentagram Edited by Kenneth W. Cain
Midnight Parables (The Parable Collection: Book One) by Chris Besonen