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GODLESS31 Days of Godless IV is Here I Underground & Indie Horror I Digital eBooks ONLY!
Daemon Manx

Daemon Manx


Daemon Manx (born January 16, 1967) is an American author of horror, suspense, psychological thriller, and speculative fiction. He is a member of the Horror Authors Guild (HAG) and is a recipient of the 2021 HAG award for his story The Dead Girl. He has been featured in magazines in both the U.S. and the U.K. His debut novelette, Abigail, released in July of 2021 became a finalist for Best Novelette of the Year at the HAG awards. Daemon lives with his sister, author Danielle Manx and their narcoleptic cat Sydney where they patiently prepare for the apocalypse. There is a good chance they will run out of coffee far too soon.

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