Mothers of Mayhem: An Extreme Horror Podcast - EPISODE 9: MORBID MAVENS
Welcome to MOTHERS OF MAYHEM: An Extreme Horror Podcast!
This week Marian is joined by REGINA WATTS, JEANNA AARHUS, LUCY LEITNER, CANDACE NOLA, and STEPHANIE JENSEN to discuss the impact of women on the modern indie horror scene.
**CONTENT WARNING: profanity, explicit adult content, stuff you can't even begin to imagine. **
REGINA WATTS Regina Watts is a prolific author of horror and transgressive fiction who has also been known to dabble in pulp. Her full-length books, including such titles as MAYHEM AT THE MUSEUM and INDUSTRIAL DIVINITY, can all be found on Amazon.com or purchased through your local indie bookseller; IDOL, her latest horror novel, is out on Valentine's Day of 2022. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/195746...
JEANNA AARHUS Jeanna is a part-time library clerk, a full-time mom, and a sometimes TikTok person. Her obsession with horror has been described as "sick" and therapy has been suggested more than once.
LUCY LEITNER Lucy Leitner is an advertising writer and award-winning journalist in Pittsburgh, PA. Her transgressive fiction includes the novels Working Stiffs and Outrage: Level 10, the novelette Karen — available in the CALL ME HOOP: Season 1 anthology https://www.bloodgutsandstory.com/pro... — and several shorter works that appear in anthologies and Godless original series. Her short story They Say the Sky Is Full of Snakewolves will appear in the Blood Bank charity anthology this spring. Learn how you can support the fundraiser here: https://www.bloodgutsandstory.com/blo... She co-hosts HORROR BUSINESS with S.C. Mendes — a podcast dedicated to helping authors make a career of their writing: https://anchor.fm/blood-bound-books Find her books on Godless: https://godless.com/collections/vendo...
CANDACE NOLA Candace Nola is a Pittsburgh author with 3 published novels currently on Amazon. Breach was her debut novel, published in Nov. 2019, followed by Beyond the Breach, published Dec. 22, 2020. Her third novel, Hank Flynn, was published in July of 2021. She also had a short story published in the Secondhand Creeps anthology in May of 2021, that she co-authored with Sam Hill of the U.K. She is a new member of the Horror Authors Guild and recently joined The House of Stitched magazine as an editor and writer. She began her horror website in Jan. of 2020 to use as an author website and to help promote other indie authors in the industry. Her interview series, The Dark Dozen, was well-received in fall of 2020 and she began to do more book reviews, author interviews and new release features on her website. Original content was added along with a newsletter and Uncomfortably Dark Horror has morphed into the "go-to place" for the newest in horror book news. Her novel, Beyond the Breach, won the “Novel of the Year” award for 2021 from the Horror Author Guild and her Debut Novel, Breach, placed 2nd for “Debut Novel of the Year”, also for the 2021 Horror Author Guild awards. She most recently published her first anthology under her brand, Uncomfortably Dark Horror, with 12 other talented indie authors. The anthology is titled The Baker’s Dozen and is available on Amazon now with a limited-edition hard cover only available on her website. She is working on her fourth novel, Bishop, that is set for release in March of 2022. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook as well as her website, UncomfortablyDark.com.
STEPHANIE E JENSEN Stephanie E. Jensen is the author of the Dissecting House series and The Howling of the Dead. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of South Florida in 2014. She’s also a full-time professional writer and a music journalist. Stephanie is a nomad. She goes back and forth between her hometown Tampa, Florida and to Montréal, Québec where her boyfriend, Rob, lives. She also travels frequently, having been to 11 countries (and counting) throughout North America and Europe. Contact Stephanie E. Jensen: Infernalhorror1045@gmail.com https://www.amazon.com/Stephanie-E-Je... https://godless.com/products/stephani... https://www.facebook.com/infernalhorror https://www.instagram.com/sejinfernal/ https://www.instagram.com/infernal_ho... https://twitter.com/sej_infernal https://twitter.com/infernalhorror3 www.infernalhorror.com
MUSIC: Amigo the Devil - HUNGOVER IN JONESTOWN from the album "Everything is Fine". Used with artist permission. (Thank you, Danny!)
This week Marian is joined by REGINA WATTS, JEANNA AARHUS, LUCY LEITNER, CANDACE NOLA, and STEPHANIE JENSEN to discuss the impact of women on the modern indie horror scene.
**CONTENT WARNING: profanity, explicit adult content, stuff you can't even begin to imagine. **
REGINA WATTS Regina Watts is a prolific author of horror and transgressive fiction who has also been known to dabble in pulp. Her full-length books, including such titles as MAYHEM AT THE MUSEUM and INDUSTRIAL DIVINITY, can all be found on Amazon.com or purchased through your local indie bookseller; IDOL, her latest horror novel, is out on Valentine's Day of 2022. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/195746...
JEANNA AARHUS Jeanna is a part-time library clerk, a full-time mom, and a sometimes TikTok person. Her obsession with horror has been described as "sick" and therapy has been suggested more than once.
LUCY LEITNER Lucy Leitner is an advertising writer and award-winning journalist in Pittsburgh, PA. Her transgressive fiction includes the novels Working Stiffs and Outrage: Level 10, the novelette Karen — available in the CALL ME HOOP: Season 1 anthology https://www.bloodgutsandstory.com/pro... — and several shorter works that appear in anthologies and Godless original series. Her short story They Say the Sky Is Full of Snakewolves will appear in the Blood Bank charity anthology this spring. Learn how you can support the fundraiser here: https://www.bloodgutsandstory.com/blo... She co-hosts HORROR BUSINESS with S.C. Mendes — a podcast dedicated to helping authors make a career of their writing: https://anchor.fm/blood-bound-books Find her books on Godless: https://godless.com/collections/vendo...
CANDACE NOLA Candace Nola is a Pittsburgh author with 3 published novels currently on Amazon. Breach was her debut novel, published in Nov. 2019, followed by Beyond the Breach, published Dec. 22, 2020. Her third novel, Hank Flynn, was published in July of 2021. She also had a short story published in the Secondhand Creeps anthology in May of 2021, that she co-authored with Sam Hill of the U.K. She is a new member of the Horror Authors Guild and recently joined The House of Stitched magazine as an editor and writer. She began her horror website in Jan. of 2020 to use as an author website and to help promote other indie authors in the industry. Her interview series, The Dark Dozen, was well-received in fall of 2020 and she began to do more book reviews, author interviews and new release features on her website. Original content was added along with a newsletter and Uncomfortably Dark Horror has morphed into the "go-to place" for the newest in horror book news. Her novel, Beyond the Breach, won the “Novel of the Year” award for 2021 from the Horror Author Guild and her Debut Novel, Breach, placed 2nd for “Debut Novel of the Year”, also for the 2021 Horror Author Guild awards. She most recently published her first anthology under her brand, Uncomfortably Dark Horror, with 12 other talented indie authors. The anthology is titled The Baker’s Dozen and is available on Amazon now with a limited-edition hard cover only available on her website. She is working on her fourth novel, Bishop, that is set for release in March of 2022. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook as well as her website, UncomfortablyDark.com.
STEPHANIE E JENSEN Stephanie E. Jensen is the author of the Dissecting House series and The Howling of the Dead. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of South Florida in 2014. She’s also a full-time professional writer and a music journalist. Stephanie is a nomad. She goes back and forth between her hometown Tampa, Florida and to Montréal, Québec where her boyfriend, Rob, lives. She also travels frequently, having been to 11 countries (and counting) throughout North America and Europe. Contact Stephanie E. Jensen: Infernalhorror1045@gmail.com https://www.amazon.com/Stephanie-E-Je... https://godless.com/products/stephani... https://www.facebook.com/infernalhorror https://www.instagram.com/sejinfernal/ https://www.instagram.com/infernal_ho... https://twitter.com/sej_infernal https://twitter.com/infernalhorror3 www.infernalhorror.com
MUSIC: Amigo the Devil - HUNGOVER IN JONESTOWN from the album "Everything is Fine". Used with artist permission. (Thank you, Danny!)