Attack of the Mutant Nachos by Timothy Friesenhahn
Piper just wanted to be the introvert she was. But her parents never understood her. Because of who she was becoming her parents split up as he southern father couldn't handle who is daughter was meant to be. Moving deeper in rural America with her mother, Piper soon realizes there's people who can hate harder then her father. The small house she and and her mother move into has a secret, and that secret talks. The few people who see what she is, don't like her. In fact they hate her. Piper is going to have to learn a lesson.
Unknowing of what's about to happen, she just tries to enjoy her life, and her extreme love for nachos. Also, she confides in the house, sheband her mother are staying in.
Soon everything changes. She changes. Death changes people.
Unknowing of what's about to happen, she just tries to enjoy her life, and her extreme love for nachos. Also, she confides in the house, sheband her mother are staying in.
Soon everything changes. She changes. Death changes people.