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Black Sunrise on Piss Earth by Charles R. Bernard

Madness Heart Press

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Black Sunrise on Piss Earth is a nonfiction, anti-fascist, punk rock, and no-holds-barred look at the role that nihilism and the postmodern occult have played in the development of fascist movements in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and elsewhere – a coordinated movement I call the Fascist Internationale. The manuscript’s title is a reference to Piss Earth 2025, a piece of fascist agitprop that I respond to, using my refutation as a framework for looking at the dangerous, deadly, and dumbass ideas undergirding everything from QAnon and Christian Identity to Nazi Satanist- worshipers the Order of Nine Angles and portions of the Asatru (Norse Pantheon worship) and chaos magick communities.

Thoroughly researched and footnoted, Black Sunrise on Piss Earth is a whirlwind tour of the high weirdness of the Far Right. Some of the cast of characters will be familiar: philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche, theosophists like Madame Helena Blavatsky, and Rasputin-bearded Russian Aleksandr Dugin, for examples. Others, such as Maximiani Julia Portas (AKA Savitri Devi) and John Michael Greer, might be new to readers. All and sundry on the Right are treated with the cheerfully vicious opprobrium they deserve, but BSoPE offers more than sharp words. It offers well-researched, well-reasoned, sharp rebuttals to the reactionary anti-modernism driving so much pain in the world today.

Portions of this book, though nonfiction and well-documented, come from a first-person perspective. One chapter deals with my parting of ways with fake Leftists the Satanic Temple: another deals with my experience leaving my position in a large online chaos magick community over the other administrators’ unwillingness to confront fascists – and tells the story of how a guy I called a “banjo-strumming cousin-fucker” to his face wound up at Charlottesville!