Birthday Girl by Ash Crowlin
Wishes are Horses by Tim Eagle
Happy Hour at the Harlequin's Slaughterhouse by Kevin Sweeney
Born Sick by Aaron Lebold
Bodies Full of Burning
The Box by Scott J. Couturier
Sheyd of Gray (The Book of Ze'ev 3) by John Baltisberger
The Avarice: A Seven Deadly Sins Anthology
Heart of the Mavka by Allisha McAdoo and Jack Presby
t//error404 by Allisha McAdoo
A New Life Begins (Fetish for the Sick 2) by R.E. Shambrook
The Slappening by RJ Benetti
Cryptid Carnage: A Cryptid Horror Anthology
Little Sister by Elana Gomel
Cracked Sky by Ben Eads
Absolute Unit by Nick Kolakowski
Sister Mary by P.J. Blakey-Novis
90 Proof Vomit by Todd Love
Feed the Rich by Todd Love
Chester & Lester's Christmas in July Special by Dani Brown
Nafallen University 2022-2023 Course Catalog
MHP Employee Handbook
Pornography for the End of the World by Brendan Vidito
A Boy & His Dog by C. I. I. Jones
You're Mine by Somer Canon
Reconstructing a Relationship by Micah Castle
Sons of Sorrow by Matthew A. Clarke
Dead Hard by Matthew A. Clarke
Baby You'll Be Famous: A Tale of Tabloid Terror by Ben Arzate
Golem by P.D. Alleva
The Rose Vol 1 by P.D. Alleva
The Rose Vol 2 by P.D. Alleva
Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne & Gerri Denemer (Beyond the Chamber Door II) by P.D. Alleva
Twisted Tales of Deceit (Beyond the Chamber Door I) by P.D. Alleva
Lure by Tim McGregor
The Madman Across the Water by Caroline Angel
The Madman Across the Water: The Curse Awakens by Caroline Angel
The Origin of Evil (Book I) by Caroline Angel
Soup by Kate DeJonge
B/ITCH by Harrison Phillips
I Eat People by Allisha McAdoo
Sudden Death by Theresa Jacobs
The Glut by Matthew Cash
HYbriD: Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena
Fever Dreams: Volume V by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume IV by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume III by Luther Kross
Fever Dreams: Volume II by Luther Kross