Monsters & Mayhem (Tales From The River Volume 2) by Eerie River Publishing
SENTINEL: A Thrilling Supernatural Horror Novel by Drew Starling
They Are Cursed Like You: Trailer Park Witches Book 1 by Holley Cornetto and S.O. Green
A Place Beyond the Storm: Terror in the Caves - A Post-Apocalyptic Mini-Series (AFTER: A POST-APOCALYPTIC SURVIVOR SERIES) by David Green
It Calls From the Sky: Terrifying Tales from Above
It Calls From The Forest: Volume Two - More Terrifying Tales From The Woods
It Calls From The Forest: An Anthology of Terrifying Tales from the Woods Volume 1
Derelict: A Post-Apocalyptic Survivor Series (AFTER: A POST-APOCALYPTIC SURVIVOR SERIES) by T.M. Brown
Midnight Shadows: Tales From the River Volume One