A Wide Berth by Amanda M. Lyons
Dark Town: An Anthology by D&T Publishing
She Who Rules the Dead by Maria Abrams
The Waning by Christina Bergling
The Way of Ah-Tzenu by Kevin Lucia
The Web of La Sanguinaire and Other Arachnid Horrors by Ronald Kelly
The Weight of Chains by Lesley Conner
The Wet Dreams of Dead Gods by Edward Lee
The Whisper King - Book 2: Daughter of Shadows by Wil Radcliffe
The Whisper King - Book 3: Reign Eternal by Wil Radcliffe
The Whisper King by Wil Radcliffe
The White by Matt Micheli
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 1 -The Celestial) by Kevin Sweeney
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 2 - Mary Maggie Darling) by Kevin Sweeney
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 3 - Bear Maiden) by Kevin Sweeney
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 4 - Grandma Spuckler) by Kevin Sweeney
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 5 - Clitocris) by Kevin Sweeney
The Whorehouse That Jack Built (Part 6 - Ginger) by Kevin Sweeney
The Wind In My Heart by Douglas Wynne
The Wind, The Willow, The Wicks by A.L. Davidson
The Window by Thomas Gloom
The Wingspan of Severed Hands by Joanna Koch
The Witch, The Devil, and The Horseman by Tom Schneider
The Witches of Harbour (Hex Duet Book 1) by Sian B. Claven
The Woman Shrouded in Flies by Nicholas Gray
The Wood of Bug-Eyed Maud (PLUS AUDIOBOOK) by Astrid Addams
The Woodsman by Damien Lee
The World is Ending and So Am I: Horror Short Stories by Alexis Peñailillo
The World is Filled with Ghosts Now by Dani Brown
The Wretched by Harlan Black
The Wrong Door by Allisha McAdoo
The Wrong Samantha by August Cox
Waiting for the Upset by James Newman
Walkin' After Midnight by Donald Armfield
Walking Free by Tim Eagle
Walking Wounded by Robert Devereaux
War of Dictates by John Baltisberger
WAR: Dark Poems by Alessandro Manzetti and Marge Simon
Warlock Infernal by Christine Morgan
Warrior Soul & Other Stories by J. Manfred Weichsel
Watcher by Sian B. Claven
Watchers of Black Rite (Black Planet Season 2) by Nikki Noir
Way Station by Kevin Lucia
We Are Always Watching by Hunter Shea
We Are Here to Hurt Each Other by Paula D. Ashe
We Are The Accused by Lucas Mangum
We Came Back by Patrick Lacey
We Don't Care if You're Offended: A McHardy Hawker Anthology by Simon McHardy and Sean Hawker
We Met in the Forums by Rob Ulitski
We the Broken by Simon McHardy and Sean Hawker