Blood and Sex: A Zombie Apocalypse by Nick Burgin
The V Collection: Valkyries, Viragos, and Vixens by Veronica Smith
The Valley of Bicho by R.F. Blackstone
The Vampire Circus by Nick Burgin
The Van by Lou Eade
The Vegan Revolution... with Zombies by David Agranoff
The Vegas Rift by David F. Gray
The Venus Complex by Barbie Wilde
The Verdict by AM Bacon
The Vessel by Peggy Christie
The Vet by Candace Nola
The Violation of Major Ellis by Max Gunssler
Vampire Christ 2: The Fall of Man by Jay Wilburn
Vampire Christ Book 1: Blood of the Lamb by Jay Wilburn
Vampires of Avonmouth by Tim Kindberg
Vanitas by The Professor
Vanitas Diabolus by Sean Walusko
Varying Distances by Darren Speegle
Vasectomus by Tim Eagle
Vast Oceans by Amanda M. Lyons
VD Day R.J. Benetti
Vengeance of the Unnatural by James Miles
Venus by Candace Nola
VERUM MALUM by Michael R. Collins
Very Romantic. Very Necro. by Dani Brown
Vestal by Charlee Jacob
Vicarious by Chloe Spencer
Vicious Circle: Season One - Complete
Vicious Circle: Season Two - Complete
Vile Things: Extreme Deviations of Horror Edited by Cheryl Mullenax
Vinyl Destination by Adam Millard
Visions of the Mutant Rain Forest by Robert Frazier
Voces Animarum by Marten Hoyle
Voices by A.J. Brown
Voyeur: Depravity Book 2 by M.J. Ferguson