Through a Mirror, Darkly (Clifton Heights Book 3) by Kevin Lucia
Tie The Ivy Through My Ribcage (And Leave Me With Emptied Lungs) by A.L. Davidson
Tijuana Donkey Showdown by Adam Howe
Tik Toking on the Elevator From Hell by Matthew Vaughn
Tim E. Less by Lucas Milliron
Time by Todd Love
Time Eaters by Jay Wilburn
Time is Fleeting (Book 2 of the Worlds Collide Series) by Nat Whiston
Tip of the Iceberg by Ash Hartwell
Tis the Season by AM Bacon
To Desecrate and Defile by R.E. Shambrook
To Hunt Wraiths by Thomas Stewart
To Offer Her Pleasure by Ali Seay
To Stare Death In The Eyes: Preferred Author Extreme Edition by Eric Butler
Toads and Other Stories by Roman Neznayu
Toby Chalmers Commits "Career" Suicide by Jeremy Thompson
Toby Chalmers Hits a New Low by Jeremy Thompson
Tome by Ross Jeffery
Tongue Fucker (Murder House #4) by REEKFEEL
TOOL SHED by Armand Rosamilia
Torture the Sinners! by Judith Sonnet
Toxic by Judith Sonnet
Toxic Maternal by C A Baynam
Trailer Park by C.D. Kester
Transmuted by Eve Harms
Transparent Walkways: A Collection by Veronica Smith
Treasure Revealed (Sister Seeker Series #2) by A.S. Etaski
Trenchmouth by Christine Morgan
Tribulations by Richard Thomas
Tricks N Treats Triple Issue (Southern Discomfort Season 2 Book 9) by Ezekiel Kincaid and Rebecca Evanesky
Tricks, Mischief and Mayhem by Daniel I. Russell
Trigger Warning: Curses Edited by Christine Morgan
Trigger Warning: Speaking Ill
Triggers and Tiaras by Jessa Riot
Trip Chainsaw by Christian H. Smith
Triple Axe by Scott Cole
Trog by Zachary Ashford
Troll by Matthew A. Clarke
Trolley No. 1852 by Edward Lee
Troubling Stirrings In Sphere Court by Christopher Besonen
Truck Stop Diner by Shannon Bradner
True Crime by Samantha Kolesnik
Try Dying by Rajeev Singh
Twas the Night Before Christmas and Everyone Was Dying by Alain Elliot
Twenty Years Dead by Richard Farren Barber
Twice Upon an Apocalypse: Lovecraftian Fairy Tales Edited by Rachel Kenley and Scott T. Goudsward
Twilight of Evil: '80s Slasher meets Supernatural Horror! by P.J. Thorndyke
Twilight of Evil: Mountain Bike Massacre by P.J. Thorndyke
Twin Lakes : Autumn Fires by Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason
Twisted Tales of Deceit (Beyond the Chamber Door I) by P.D. Alleva