The Second Cumming Book 3 (Learning to Fly) by Matthew A. Clarke
The Second Cumming: Book 4 by Matthew Clarke
The Second Cumming: Book 5 by Matthew Clarke
The Second Cumming: Book 6 by Matthew Clarke
The Secret Sex Lives of Ghosts by Dustin Reade
The Seeing Eye Dog by R.J. Benetti
The Selkie and the Slob by Y.M. Miller
The Sexorcist by Matthew Vaughn
The Sexual Avenger (Book #1) by Matthew Vaughn
The Sexual Avenger (Book #2) by Matthew Vaughn
The Sexual Avenger (Book #3) by Matthew Vaughn
The Sheriff of Salem by Aaron Lebold
The Shopping List by Kevin Sweeney
The Shriek-A-Rama Spook Show Experience by Judith Sonnet
The Shrouded Tome: Ten Forgotten Fables by Ronald Kelly
The Sickener by The Professor
The Singular Adventures Of Jefferson Ball by David Perlmutter
The Sinner by K. Trap Jones
The Sins of the Past (The Ephraim Godwin Chronicles) by Eric Butler
the sky is black and blue like a battered child: poems by Ben Arzate
The Slappening by RJ Benetti
The Sliding by Kevin Lucia
THE SLOTH: Extreme Horror (The SeVIIn Sick Sins Book 3) by Kevin Sweeney
The Snow Queen by Dani Brown
The Social Catalogue of #Prey by Gil Valle and Bridget Lee
The Sorrow King by Andersen Prunty
The Soul Eater by M.D. LaBelle
The South African Vigilante Chronicles by Henk Wester
The Soxorcist by Jamie Kort
The Spartak Trigger by Bryce Allen
The Specimen: A Novel of Horror (The Riders Saga Book 1) by Pete Kahle
The Speed of Pain by Amanda M. Lyons
The Spider’s Web by Ayralea Lander
The Squirming Darkness by Matthew J. Gleason
The Stickmen by Edward Lee
The Stillborn Divine by Jake Bannerman
Two Roads Diverged in a Wood... by RJ Benetti
Vyrmin by Gene Lazuta