Gimp World & Porno Park by James Burr
Rain (A Tale From Eddard's Grove Episode Three) by Gerhard Jason Geick
Rampant by Joshua Werner
Ranchman by Derek Thomas
Randolph the Big Cocked Reindeer by Raw Dog & Henry Wankstain
Rapey the Snowman by Sally Scrotum
Rath by Connor McQueen
Re-Animated States of America by Craig Mullins
Read. Write. Edit. Play. Repeat. by Jay Wilburn
Real Love by B.C. Hollywood
Reaper by Briana Robertson
Reconstructing a Relationship by Micah Castle
Rectum Baby (Murder House #5) by REEKFEEL
Red Asphalt Driving School (Infected Voice #2) by Robert Essig
Red Laces by Colt Skinner
Red Town Lost by John Shupeck, Jr.
Redshift by Thomas R. Clark
Reekfeel's Anal Leakage by REEKFEEL
Reg E. Rat’s Birthday Fun Center and Same Day Outpatient Care Facility by Frank Edler
Rehab by Ryder Kinlay
Reincarnage by Ryan Harding and Jason Taverner
Rejects by Matthew Vaughn
Relic of Death by David Bernstein
Remembering Camile by Kate DeJonge
Remnants: Volume One Created by Stephen Coghlan
Remorseless by Thomas Tessier
Renovation by Sara Brooke
Reptile by Dani Brown
Residual by Rob Ulitski
Retaliation by Rayne Havok
Reunion Special by Carson Winter
Revelations by C. Dennis Moore
Revenge Arc by Cat Voleur
Revenge by Allisha McAdoo
Revenge from the Grave by C A Baynam
Revenge of the Shit Machines by Nat Whiston
Revolt of the Chupacabras by Raegan Butcher
Rhapsody in Red: Two Novellas of The Damned by Peter Molnar
Rhyme or Reason by Dan Chadwick
Riding the Caterpillar by Amanda M. Lyons
Ring of Fire by David Agranoff
Rinse. Renew. Repeat. by Theresa Jacobs
Rise of the Chupacabras by Raegan Butcher
Rise of the Liberators by Ryan Hyatt
Rites of Extinction by Matt Serafini
Ritualistic Human Sacrifice by C.V. Hunt
Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers Vol.4
Road-EO by Joseph M. Monks
Roadkill by Raw Dog
Roadkill King (A Cabin 187 Satellite Story) by Dan B. Fierce