A Kaiju for Christmas (Southern Discomfort 10) by Ezekiel Kincaid
K is for Kidnap (A-Z of Horror - Book 11)
Kaiju World by R.F. Blackstone
Kanye West—Reanimator: The Re-Reanimated Edition by Joshua Chaplinsky
Katie the Kink Demon by YM Miller and Chisto Healy
Kayden by Lucas Milliron
Keep It Inside & Other Weird Tales by Mark Anthony Smith
Keeping Molly by David C. Hayes and Kevin Moyers
Keida-In-The-Flames by Matthew Cash
Kennel by Garrett Cook
Ketamine Addicted Pandas: Dawn of the Pandas by Dani Brown
Keys of Demented Memories by Paul Grammatico
Kill All Gods: Grotesque Hardcore Horror Fiction
Kill for Satan by Bryan Smith
Kill Hill Carnage by Tim Meyer
Kill Whitey by Brian Keene
Killer Lake by David Benton and W.D. Gagliani
Killstreme by Rayne Havok
Kinfolk by Matt Kurtz
King Dollar by Andre Duza
Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny by Eric Butler
Knight Chills by David C. Hayes
Knuckle Balled by Drew Stepek
Knuckle Supper by Drew Stepek
Krackerjack 2: AN EXTREME HORROR STORY SEQUEL by Matthew Cash
KrackerJack: AN EXTREME HORROR STORY by Matthew Cash
Krae by Tim Eagle
Krampusnatcht by Seamus Belial
Kurgan (A Dark Tale From Innsmouth IV) by Ashley Lister
Necro Sutra by Kevin Sweeney
The Glut by Matthew Cash
The Kindly Ones by Cliff James
The Knave of Hearts: Part 9 of the Red Dog Conspiracy by Patricia Loofbourrow
The Knuckler by Drew Stepek