Alter Egos: Volume 2
Alura by Allisha McAdoo
American Cult Edited by John Baltisberger
American Garbage by Lucas Mangum
American Guignol by David C. Hayes
An It Gets Grosser As You Go Double Feature by R.J. Benetti
An Occurrence in Crazy Bear Valley by Brian Keene
And Again, Said the Bull to the Butcher by Kevin Sweeney
And Cannot Come Again – Tales of Childhood, Regret, and Innocence Lost by Simon Bestwick
And Then You Die by James H. Longmore
And Then... You Fucking Die by A. Cunt
Angel Steel by Randy Chandler
Angels by Jonathan Grisham
Animus Farm by Donald Armfield
Another God Damn Zombie Chainsaw Murderer... Again by Sean Malia Thompson
Answers of Silence by Geoff Cooper
Antibody by Chris Williams
Anus Killer-47 by Željko Bijelić
Anything. Anytime. Anywhere by Brian DuBois
Ape in the Ring: & Other Tales of the Macabre and Uncanny by Douglas Ford
Apeshit by Carlton Mellick III
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love by Mercedes M. Yardley
app by Rayne Havok
Appalachian Zombies by Jason Nickey
Appletown by Antoinette Corvo
Archelon Ranch by Garrett Cook
Arterial Bloom Edited by Mercedes M. Yardley
As Seen On T.V. by John Wayne Comunale
Ashley's Tale by Mike Duke
Ashley's Tale: The Initiation by Mike Duke
Ashthorne by April Yates
At Least I Get You < In My Art by Christoph Paul
At the Dead of Night by Wayne Hopkins
Attack of the Mutant Nachos by Timothy Friesenhahn
Atypical Man (Infected Voices #8) by Robert Essig
Autophagy (Southern Discomfort Season 3 Book 1) by Ezekiel Kincaid
Autumn Gothic by Brian Bowyer
Dead Shift by John Llewellyn Probert
Essence Asunder by Feind Gottes
Gouter Gland (Murder House #2) by REEKFEEL
Skidded Cunt (Murder House #1) by REEKFEEL
Spiffing: A Cosmic Horror Novella by Tim Mendees
The Ace of Clubs: Part 3 of the Red Dog Conspiracy by Patricia Loofbourrow
The ADHD Vampire by Matthew Vaughn
The Adventures of Debbie The Supernatural Hunter by Roman Neznayu
The Adventures of Johnny Walker Ranger Demon Slayer by Ezekiel Kincaid
The Adventures of Johnny Walker Ranger Demon Slayer Vol II by Ezekiel Kincaid
The Alcatraz Coup: A Prequel to the Red Dog Conspiracy by Patricia Loofbourrow
The Amityville Bukkake by RJ Benetti, Edward Lee, Judith Sonnet