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In Uterus: An Anthology for a Friend
In Uterus: An Anthology for a Friend
In Uterus: An Anthology for a Friend

In Uterus: An Anthology for a Friend

Matthew A. Clarke

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In Uterus is a charitable anthology for Corrina Morse, book reviewer extraordinaire and darling of the horror, splatterpunk, and bizarro communities. It has been produced to help cover her costs during recovery and recuperation from an urgently needed hysterectomy.

Initially, the team contacted the great and good of literary society, but they weren’t at home. Neither were the up-and-coming bright young things. In desperation, they finally reached out to the n’er-do-wells: the writers who lurk in the dark corners, the ones who brush past you in street muttering barely-intelligible curses, the faceless ghosts who rub up against you on crowded public transport, leaving mysterious dirty marks on your clothes.

These stories will make you scream, weep, puke, laugh, shit, and even touch yourself in a bad way, hopefully all at once. They are the soothing ointment you’ll relish after the mad gynecologist with the rusty scissors has done his most dastardly thing!

Authors in this Anthology:

Matthew Clarke
Russell Holbrook
Peter Caffrey
Todd Love
DE McCluskeyy
Sean Hawker & Simon Mchardy
Michelle Butcher
Kevin J. Kennedy
Jason Myers-Author
Natasha Sinclair
Ruthann Jagge
Brian Berry
Dani Brown
Jim Ody
Henk Wester
RJ Roles
Reek Feel
Frank Edler
Terry Miller
James G. Carlson
Ben Arzate
Mick Collins
Andrew Lennon
Drew Stepek
Jonathan Butcher
R.J. Benetti
Donna A Latham
Peter Blakey-Novis