Coming to Town is a chilling and atmospheric horror short that blends the holidays with plenty of terror. The story follows Sadie, who is deeply scarred by the trauma of her childhood. As the holidays approach, she finds herself forced to confront the terrifying memories of her past.
What made this story so gripping for me is the unique twist on the classic figure of Santa. Rather than the jolly gift-giving guy we’re all used to, this version of Santa is dark and menacing. This creature is vividly unsettling and dripping with dread. The authors did a great job at highlighting the sheer terror the characters felt when this thing came around. It’s nothing I would want to see, so props to Boe for coming up with something so creepy!
Sadie’s emotional journey along with the looming threat of the creature will hook you from the start all the way to the twisted ending. The atmosphere is perfect for those looking to read something dark and depraved on a chilly winter's night. Just keep an eye on the fireplace!