Breaking Bizarro
"Bizarro fiction is a contemporary literary genre, which often uses elements of absurdism, satire, and the grotesque, along with pop-surrealism and genre fiction staples, in order to create subversive, weird, and entertaining works." --WikipediaBreaking Bizarro is a twenty-six story melting pot of weirdness, from some of the best authors in the genre. Enjoy!
Contributing Authors:
- John Wayne Comunale
- David W. Barbee
- Patrick C. Harrison III
- Chris Miller
- J.D. Graves
- Dani Brown
- Cody Higgins
- Frank J. Edler
- Catherine J. Cole
- Chandler Morrison
- G. Arthur Brown
- Shoshana Sumrall Frerking
- Robert Essig
- Mara Malins
- Michael Brueggeman
- Duncan P. Bradshaw
- Brian Asman
- Sam Richard
- Elana Gomel
- C.J. Silver
- Mike Sherer
- C.C. Parker
- Luciano Marano
- C.J. Carter-Stephenson
- Kyle Rader
- James Dorr