4 Rooms in a Semi-detached House by Madeleine Swann
Alice's Adventures in Steamland: The Clockwork Goddess by Wol-vriey
All Hail The House Gods by Andrew J. Stone
Archelon Ranch by Garrett Cook
At Least I Get You < In My Art by Christoph Paul
Bad Hotel by Dustin Reade
Blood by John Bruni
Body Building Spider Rangers: And Other Stories by Charles Austin Muir
Chainsaw Cop Corpse by Wol-vriey
Charge Land by John Wayne Comunale
DangerRAMA by Danger Slater
Flesh Made World by Daulton Dickey
Grudge Punk by John McNee
Hamsterdamned! Audio Book by Adam Millard
Hamsterdamned! by Adam Millard
John Wayne Lied To You: A Mostly True Account of the Adventures of a Modern Day Hero by John Wayne Comunale
King Dollar by Andre Duza
Liquid Status by Bradley Sands
NoFace by Andre Duza
Petroleum Precinct: Grudge Punk 2 by John McNee
Poor Bastards and Rich Fucks by John Bruni
Prom Night on the River of Death by Jason Rizos
Re-Animated States of America by Craig Mullins
Rock and Roll Death Patrol by Michael Allen Rose
Rooster Republic Press
Someone Shot the Hip Young Conductor by Matthew Sunrich
Sorry, Wrong Country by Konstantine Paradias
The Full Howie by Gareth K. Bennett
The Mortuary Monster by Andrew J. Stone
Under The Shanghai Tunnels : and Other Weird Tales by Lee Widener
Vinyl Destination by Adam Millard
Zoonami by Adam Millard