324 Abercorn by Mark Allan Gunnells
A Season in Hell by Kenneth W. Cain
Abode by Morgan Sylvia
Absolute Unit by Nick Kolakowski
Aletheia: A Supernatural Thriller by J.S. Breukelaar
Apocalyptic Montessa and Nuclear Lulu: A Tale of Atomic Love by Mercedes M. Yardley
Arterial Bloom Edited by Mercedes M. Yardley
Bayou Whispers by R.B. Wood
Beatrice Beecham's Cryptic Crypt: A Supernatural Adventure/Mystery by Dave Jeffery
Beatrice Beecham's Ship of Shadows: A Supernatural Adventure/Mystery Novel by Dave Jeffery
Before he Wakes by Mark Allan Gunnells
Behold!: Oddities, Curiosities and Undefinable Wonders Edited by Doug Murano
Belle Vue by C.S. Alleyne
Beyond Night by Eric S. Brown and Steven L Shrewsbury
Blackwater Val by William Gorman
Book Haven: And Other Curiosities by Mark Allan Gunnells
Brief Encounters with My Third Eye: Selected Short Poems 1975-2016 by Bruce Boston
C.H.U.D. LIVES!: A Tribute Anthology
Children of the Grave
Cracked Sky by Ben Eads
Crimson Springs by John Quick
Crystal Lake Day 2022: All Books 99¢ - OCTOBER 30th
Darker Days: A Collection of Dark Fiction by Kenneth W. Cain
Dead Branches by Benjamin Langley
Dead Reckoning: and Other Stories by Dino Parenti
Doll Crimes by Karen Runge
Eden Underground: Poetry of Darkness by Alessandro Manzetti
Eidolon Avenue: The First Feast by Jonathan Winn
Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn
Eight Cylinders by Jason Parent
Embers: A Collection of Dark Fiction by Kenneth W. Cain
Eternal Darkness by Tom Deady
Every Foul Spirit (Blackwater Val Book 2) by William Gorman
Exquisite Horror: Essential Guide to the Best 150 Books (Vol 1) Edited by Alessandro Manzetti
Fantastic Tales of Terror: History's Darkest Secrets Edited by Eugene Johnson
Fear the Reaper Edited by Joe Mynhardt
Floaters by Garrett Boatman
Flowers in a Dumpster by Mark Allan Gunnells
Followers by Christina Bergling
For the Night is Dark Edited by Ross Warren
Fort by Rob E. Boley
Friends in High Places by Rob Smales
Frozen Shadows: And Other Chilling Stories by Gene O'Neill
Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories Edited by Doug Murano and D. Alexander Ward
Hollow Heart: A Horror Novella by Ben Eads
Horror 101: The Way Forward: Career advice by seasoned professionals (Crystal Lake's Horror 101 Book 1) Edited by Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley
Horror 201: The Silver Scream Vol.1 Edited by Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley
Horror 201: The Silver Scream Vol.2 Edited by Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley
House of Sighs by Aaron Dries
I Have Asked to be Where No Storms Come by Gwendolyn N. Nix